Based on the Regulation on the organization and operation of the quality assurance system at Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek (link), on 1 January 2014, the Office for the Improvement and Quality Assurance of Higher Education was established at the Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek, headed by Nalanda Kantor, M.A.
The Office for the Improvement and Quality Assurance of Higher Education is an organizational unit of the Faculty that works in coordination with the University Center for the Improvement and Quality Assurance of Higher Education. The office carries out internal and external evaluation procedures, as well as methods for researching various aspects of the quality of education, collects the necessary information for analyses by the University Quality Center.
In cooperation with the University Quality Center, encourages the professional development of faculty members, associates, managers and administrative staff in the field of quality, systematically implements established characteristic indicators of quality, participates in discussions about quality, spreading the culture of quality in the academic and non-academic public.
The Committee for the Improvement and Quality Assurance of Higher Education and the Office for the Improvement and Quality Assurance of Higher Education work in harmony and share responsibility for quality assurance and improvement in all areas of the Faculty's activities.
Head of the Office for the Improvment and Quality Assurance of Higher Eduaction Nalanda Kantor, M.A.,
Stručna suradnica za osiguravanje i unaprjeđivanje kvalitete visokog obrazovanja: Sanja Trojan, mag. educ. phil. et mag. educ. philol. croat,
Phone: +385 (0)31 22 44 55
The committee for improving and ensuring the quality of higher education was established by a decision of the Faculty Council.
The committee organizes, coordinates and implements evaluation procedures and develops internal mechanisms for ensuring, improving and promoting the quality of the Faculty.
The mentioned procedures include the following elements: self-analysis, development of quality indicators, participation of students in monitoring the quality of study implementation, research into the success of studies and the causes of low-quality, inefficient and excessively long studies, research into the competence of teaching staff, monitoring the training of university professors, monitoring the training of administrative and technical staff, based on the tests conducted, they suggest improving teaching activities (classes, seminars, exercises) as well as extracurricular activities (lifelong education), monitoring the quality of general and special competencies achieved by the study program.
The Committee for the Improvement and Quality Assurance of Higher Education and the Office for the Improvement and Quality Assurance of Higher Education work in harmony and share responsibility for quality assurance and improvement in all areas of the Faculty's activities.
First cycle 2011
Report of the expert committee (HR) (21.03.2011)
Accreditation recommendation (19.01.2012)
Accreditation recommendation (10.11.2011)
Accreditation recommendation (28.04.2015)
Decision of the Ministry of Science and Education (29.05.2015)
Decision of the Ministry of Science and Education (06.03.2012)
Decision of the Ministry of Science and Education (08.03.2012)
Second cycle 2018
Statement of higher education institution (HR) (02.05.2019.)
Report of the expert committee (EN) (08.04.2019.)
Report of the expert committee (HR) (08.04.2019.)
Accreditation recommendation (03.07.2019.)
Decision of the Ministry of Science and Education (06.02.2020.)
Opinion of the Accreditation Council on the Action Plan (23.10.2020.)
Ministry of Science and Education – Confirmation of reaccreditation (30.03.2023.)
ESG Standards and Guidelines
Quality development strategy
Quality policy of the Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek
Act on quality assurance in higher education and science
Regulation on the organization and operation of the quality assurance system at Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek
Regulation on the organization and operation of the system for improving and ensuring the quality of higher education at the Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek
Handbook for quality assurance and improvement at the Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek
Map of business processes of the Faculty of Business and Economics in Osijek
Department of interdisciplinary courses: implementation of the plan plan
Department of Finance and Accounting: implementation of the plan plan
Department of Quantitative Methods and Informatics: implementation of the plan plan
Department of Marketing: implementation of the plan plan
Department of Management, Organization and Entrepreneurship: implementation of the plan plan
Department of National and International Economy: implementation of the plan plan
Department of interdisciplinary courses: implementation of the plan plan
Department of Finance and Accounting: implementation of the plan plan
Department of Quantitative Methods and Informatics: implementation of the plan plan
Department of Marketing: implementation of the plan plan
Department of Management, Organization and Entrepreneurship: implementation of the plan plan
Department of National and International Economy: implementation of the plan plan
Department of interdisciplinary courses: implementation of the plan plan
Department of Finance and Accounting: plan
Department of Quantitative Methods and Informatics: implementation of the plan plan
Department of Marketing: implementation of the plan plan
Department of Management, Organization and Entrepreneurship: implementation of the plan plan
Department of National and International Economy: implementation of the plan plan
Department of interdisciplinary courses: implementation of the plan plan
Department of Finance and Accounting: plan
Department of Quantitative Methods and Informatics: implementation of the plan plan
Department of Marketing: implementation of the plan plan
Department of Management, Organization and Entrepreneurship: implementation of the plan plan
Department of National and International Economy: implementation of the plan plan
Department of Interdisciplinary Courses
Department of Management, Organization and Entrepreneurship
Department of National and International Economy
Department of Quantitative Methods and Informatics
Department of Interdisciplinary Courses
Department of Finance and Accounting
Department of Management, Organization and Entrepreneurship
Department of National and International Economy
Department of Quantitative Methods and Informatics
Department of Interdisciplinary Courses
Department of Finance and Accounting
Department of Management, Organization and Entrepreneurship
Department of National and International Economy
Department of Quantitative Methods and Informatics
Department of Interdisciplinary Sciences
Department of Finance and Accounting
Department of Management, Organization and Entrepreneurship
Department of National and International Economy
The professional development plan for faculty members in academic year 2015/2016
Teaching or professional training programs planned to be organized by members of the department
Izvješće o uspješnosti provedbe studijskih programa u 2022./2023.
Report on the success of the implementation of study programs in 2021/2022
Report on the success of the implementation of study programs in 2020/2021
Report on the success of the implementation of study programs in 2019/2020
Report on the successful implementation of study programs in 2018/2019
Report on the successful implementation of study programs in 2017/2018
Report on the successful implementation of study programs in 2016/2017
Unutarnja prosudba sustava osiguravanja kvalitete Ekonomskog fakulteta u Osijeku za ak.god. 2023./2024.
Internal assessment of the quality assurance system of the Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek for the academic year 2022/2023
Internal assessment of the quality assurance system of the Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek for the academic year 2021/2022
Internal assessment of the quality assurance system of the Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek for the academic year 2020/2021
Internal assessment of the quality assurance system of the Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek for the academic year 2019/2020
Internal assessment of the quality assurance system of the Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek for the academic year 2018/2019
Internal assessment of the quality assurance system of the Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek for the academic year 2017/2018
Internal assessment of the quality assurance system of the Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek for the academic year 2016/2017
Internal assessment of the quality assurance system of the Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek for the academic year 2015/2016
Internal assessment of the quality assurance system of the Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek for the academic year 2014/2015
Internal assessment of the quality assurance system of the Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek for the academic year 2013/2014
5. Interna evaluacija nastavnog procesa u akademskoj godini 2023./24.
Internal evaluation of the office of the Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek 2022/2023
Report on the student survey conducted in the summer semester 2021/2022
Report on the conducted student survey in the winter semester 2021/2022
Report on the student survey conducted in the summer semester 2019/2020
Report on the conducted student survey in the winter semester 2019/2020
Internal evaluation of the office of the Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek 2017/2018
Report on the student survey conducted in the summer semester 2016/2017
Report on the conducted student survey in the winter semester 2016/2017
Report on the student survey conducted in the summer semester 2015/2016
Report on the conducted student survey in the winter semester 2014/2015.
Report on the student survey conducted in the summer semester 2014/2015
Plan rada Povjerenstva za unaprjeđivanje i osiguranje kvalitete u akademskoj godini 2024-2025
Godišnje izvješće o radu Povjerenstva za unaprjeđivanje i osiguranje kvalitete u akademskoj godini 2023-2024
Plan rada Povjerenstva za unaprjeđivanje i osiguranje kvalitete u akademskoj godini 2023-2024
Godišnje izvješće o radu Povjerenstva za unaprjeđivanje i osiguranje kvalitete u akademskoj godini 2022-2023
Work plan of the Committee for the Improvement and Quality Assurance of Higher Education for the academic year 2022/2023
Annual report on the work of the Committee for Improvement and Quality Assurance in the academic year 2021/2022
Work plan of the Committee for the Improvement and Quality Assurance of Higher Education for the academic year 2021/2022
Annual report on the work of the Committee for Improvement and Quality Assurance in the academic year 2020/2021
Work plan of the Committee for Improvement and Quality Assurance for the academic year 2020-2021
Annual report on the work of the Committee for Improvement and Quality Assurance in the academic year 2019/2020
Work plan of the Committee for Improvement and Quality Assurance for the academic year 2019-2020
Annual report on the work of the Committee for Improvement and Quality Assurance in the academic year 2018/2019
Work plan of the Committee for Improvement and Quality Assurance for the academic year 2018/2019
Annual report on the work of the Committee for Improvement and Quality Assurance in the academic year 2017/2018
Work plan of the Committee for Improvement and Quality Assurance for the academic year 2017/2018
Annual report on the work of the Committee for Improvement and Quality Assurance in the academic year 2016/2017
Work plan of the Committee for Improvement and Quality Assurance for the academic year 2016/2017
Annual report on the work of the Committee for Improvement and Quality Assurance in the academic year 2015/2016
Work plan of the Committee for Improvement and Quality Assurance for the academic year 2015/2016
Annual report on the work of the Committee for Improvement and Quality Assurance in the academic year 2014/2015
Work plan of the Committee for Improvement and Quality Assurance in the academic year 2014/2015
Annual report on the work of the Committee for Improvement and Quality Assurance in the academic year 2013/2014
Work plan of the Committee for Improvement and Quality Assurance in the academic year 2013/2014