Center for lifelong learning
Assoc. prof. Ivana Bestvina Bukvić, PhD – chairwoman
Valentina Helajz, specialist in economics
Center of Business Excellence
Prof. Dubravka Pekanov, PhD – chairwoman
Faculty secretary
Igor Arežina, LLM
Dean’s office
Andrea Pavičić
Office for financial and accounting affairs
Vedrana Novokmet, LLM
Ivana Rožac, univ. mag. iur., spec. oec.
Ninoslav Pleša, MEcon
Office for financial and accounting affairs
Sandra Marić, MEcon – head of office
Jelena Mihaljević, MEcon
Sanja Dokonal, professional bachelor in economics
Tanja Ljubo, professional bachelor in economics
Mihaela Rikert
Office for students and studies
Marija Brzica, MEcon
Ivana Ružić, MEcon
Postgraduate studies office
Mateja Jurišić Plavotić, LLM
Office for the improvement and quality assurance of higher education
Nalanda Kantor, M.A. – head of office
Sanja Trojan, M.Ed. in Croatian and English language and literature
Office for career counseling and career development
Boris Štulina, MEcon
Office for international and inter-institutional cooperation
Oto Wilhelm, univ. mag. oec., spec. oec.
Office for EU Projects and Programs
Katica Križanović, univ. mag. oec., spec. oec. - voditeljica
Office for information system development
Marko Bilić, EE – head of office
Damir Kovačević, BEE
Office for information and computer infrastructure
Miro Palijan, professional bachelor in economics – head of office
Office for the central archive and order record
Dunja Romić
Office for technical and auxiliary affairs
Boris Franov – head of office
Marija Đurkić
Dijana Ergotić
Jerkica Kapular
Ljubica Martinović
Ljiljana Šimić
Mirjana Špiranec
Jasna Parlov
mr. sc. Jasminka Mihaljević, knjižničarska savjetnica – voditeljica,
Dalija Vetengl