University undergraduate study of Business Economics and Economics

HomeStudy programsUniversity undergraduate studies
University undergraduate study of Business Economics and Economics
Undergraduate study
University undergraduate studies
Study duration
3 years (6 semesters)
ECTS credits
180 ECTS
Professional or academic title
University Bachelor of Economics


The undergraduate study of Economics and Business Economics was designed in accordance with the set goals and learning outcomes of the study, which represented the basis for shaping the content and learning outcomes of each individual course. Competences, skills, independence and responsibility that develop in students and that allow them to find complex employment, which requires coping in conditions of uncertainty, complexity and dynamism, such as exist in the environment in which we live and work, are derived from the learning outcomes of the studies. Special attention in the design of this study was given to the development of transversal skills of students, such as teamwork skills, digital skills, communication skills, etc., which are highlighted as those that employers are most looking for in their future employees. In accordance with the stated study outcomes and defined study goals, after completing the study, the student will acquire knowledge and skills for a wide range of jobs, including independent professional project management, and assuming ethical and social responsibility for personal and professional development, as well as team development in unpredictable conditions and situations. Although the labor market does not sufficiently recognize university undergraduates, and the vast majority of them decide to continue their studies at graduate studies in Croatia and abroad, after completing undergraduate university studies, the student will be ready to work in the public and private, for-profit and non-profit sectors, and in various industries.
Additional info

It is defined in the learning outcomes of the study that the student, after completing the study, will be able to do the following:

  • analyze and solve complex business challenges using basic knowledge and concepts from economics and business economics,
  • formulate and apply effective business decisions based on knowledge in the field of economics and business economics,
  • integrate different theories, concepts and principles of economics and business economics in a broad business context,
  • apply the principles of ethics, sustainability and social responsibility in solving complex business challenges,
  • independently carry out research and/or projects in order to make business decisions based on data, information and knowledge,
  • analyze new ideas and opportunities using creative and innovative strategies,
  • function effectively in a team environment and
  • communicate effectively and professionally using methods appropriate to different business contexts.

Upon completion of the university undergraduate study, which lasts 3 years, the student acquires 180 ECTS credits and the title University Bachelor of Economics. Upon completion of this level of study, the student acquires the knowledge, skills and competences necessary for independent performance of work in companies of various sizes and profiles, and acquires knowledge and skills for solving complex tasks or problems within a specialized field of work in unpredictable conditions, as well as transferring knowledge to other fields and problems. Although students are ready for the labor market even after the completion of undergraduate study programs, given the acquired knowledge, skills and competences, a large number of students continue their education at graduate studies, thereby increasing their competitiveness and employability.

After completing the undergraduate university study of Economics and Business Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek, students can continue their studies at one of the four graduate university studies at the Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek or at graduate university studies at other faculties in the Republic of Croatia or abroad.

Mobility (vertical and horizontal) of students in the national and international area of higher education can be achieved in several ways, with the support of the University’s Service for International and Interuniversity Cooperation, through:

  1. bilateral and multilateral cooperation,
  2. international programs (e.g. through the ERASMUS+ program, CEEPUS or other programs), and
  3. interuniversity cooperation (through the recognition of domestic and foreign qualifications).

Vertical and horizontal mobility in this field can be achieved very easily, considering the extremely large number of undergraduate studies in economics, and especially in business economics, in the European Union, but also throughout the world.

Competitions for student mobility (within the Erasmus+ program) are organized every year at the end of February and at the end of September, and are regularly advertised on the Faculty’s website at that time.

Izborne obveze u minimalnom iznosu od 20 ECTS bodova studenti mogu izvršiti kroz (moguća je kombinacija svih navedenih načina uz uvjet ostvarenja minimalno 20 ECTS bodova):     

  • izborne kolegije iz popisa ponuđenih kolegija koji su dio ovog programa
  • sveučilišne izborne kolegije
  • odrađivanje stručne prakse uz opterećenje od 5 ECTS bodova
  • priznavanje djela ili svih ECTS bodova temeljem studentske razmjene (unutar sveučilišta, nacionalno ili međunarodno) 
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